Sally Ann of Invited Ink sent me these fantastic photos of her Grandfather's Hawiian style 80th birthday luau. Her family wanted him to feel like he was home in O'ahu for the evening, so they had Kona Deep water, Hawaiian Sun Soda and poi flown in for the occasion. Recycled coke bottles were used for the centerpieces and tikis to decorate the tables. They created beautiful chains of paper flowers and even collected vintage materials including fabric swatches, souvenirs scarfs and Hawaiian shirts for the handmade banner. I was so enamored by the detail and creativity put into this event that I was thrilled to discover Sally Ann lives in the Bay Area too. We've even decided we'll have to join forces on a project or two... but that's a story for another day. ;)

Oh my goodness, what an amazing luau!!! I'm loving these photos!
What a wonderful way to celebrate turning 80!!! How are you and your sweet pea doing?? Hugs! xo
Gorgeous. This is a luau I'd like to attend.
Love the invite!
wow! what an honor to have my photos featured! and yes, it was an awesome luau and celebration!
What a lovely party - love all the details!
What a sweet birthday party, just lovely! And nice great photos! Here's my Pancakes and Pajamas Party I'd love to share
So, so beautiful!
I just love all the vintage detail! A beautiful celebration!
Wow...I can't imagine how long it took to make all that garland for the tree. It's absolutely beautiful!
What a wonderful and fun 80th birthday party : )
Love the invites too!
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Wow! you have the best luau party favors ever assemble. Happy 80th birthday, absolutely a party with a blast.
How do you make the little puffy things on the string? I am trying to think of an idea for my husbands upcoming birthday and those would look great in fiesta colors! Please reply soon! It is in less than two weeks :(
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